“Children Can Also Learn AI: It’s Never Too Early to Start!”
In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an increasingly popular topic of discussion among tech professionals, researchers, and entrepreneurs. However, AI is not just for adults — children can learn AI too! Especially as the field has become increasingly accessible through the development of new tools and resources designed to make AI easier to understand.
In this article, we will explore how an 11-year-old kid gets involved with AI and developed his own AI projects and made remarkable success in the field.
“The 11-Year-Old child Demonstrates Expertise in Artificial Intelligence”
The 11-year-old Iranian child started making waves in the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and paving the Way for AI Innovation.
Sahand first became interested in AI at a very early age, He was fascinated by the idea of machines being able to think and act like humans, and began to explore the possibilities of AI He soon realized that he had a knack for programming and coding, and he began to develop his own projects related to AI.
he knows three programming languages (Python, HTML/CSS, and Javascript), two Data visualisation tools in Python (Matplotlib and Plotly), and two Data handling/analysis tools in Python (Numpy and Pandas).
Sahand is currently collaborating on a project with the greatest professors of Ferdowsi University and is also a member of the ICDS team.
He is a true innovator and shows no signs of slowing down. His work has already been recognized by major universities and has been featured in various magazines. His work is sure to continue to make great strides in the field of AI.
Sahand has already completed several impressive projects related to AI.
One of Sahand’s most impressive projects is
1- Express-docker
A project that helps to use a website on your local computer
without installing its dependencies
Link: github.com/sahandp2012p/express-docker
2 — Cl
A project that helps you write a console.logs without writing the full code
Link: github.com/sahandp2012p/cl
3 — Vidly
A simple movie rental App built with React.
Link: vidly-sahand.herokuapp.com
4 — portfolio
He recently designed a website to introduce himself and is in the process of completing it.
The 11-Year-Old knack Achieves Unprecedented Success with Multiple Certifications and Awards!
In addition to his projects, Sahand has also been involved in several AI-related competitions, this 11-year-old child is an inspiration to us all. Not only has achieved great academic success, but he has also earned numerous awards and certificates for his hard work and dedication. he has been recognized for his outstanding performance in the classroom, as well as for his community involvement. he is a role model for his peers and an example of what can be achieved with hard work, talent and determination. His achievements and certificates are a testament to his commitment to excellence and serve as a reminder that anything is possible with the right attitude and effort.
The “Mensa IQ Test Membership” from the International High IQ Society
Also won the Gold award in the math olympiad contest from Sadaf school
SASMO Math Olympiad Bronze Medal
Ebnesina Festival Silver Medal
Global child prodigy Award Selection
“A polyglot in the Making: the child is Mastering Multiple Languages at an Unbelievable Pace!”
The 11-year-old child is a true genius when it comes to learning languages. With an incredible aptitude for language acquisition, this child has already mastered 6 languages, English, French (DELF A2: 92.5 points), German, Italian, Turkish, as well as Persian, which is his mother language, and recently started learning Spanish.
One of the signs that distinguish Sahand from others is that Sahand did not have a teacher to learn languages or even programming and learned them all by himself.
Not only can he speaks these languages fluently, but he also reads and write in them as well. This child’s impressive language skills have earned the admiration of his peers and teachers alike.his natural ability to learn languages quickly and accurately is truly remarkable
Currently, Sahand’s whole goal is to work as an intern in one of the most experienced, largest and most prestigious companies and universities in the world.
Sahand also plays the piano and holds the record for solving the Rubik’s cube in less than 14 seconds.
Sahand’s success is an inspiration to other young people who are interested in AI, showing them that it is possible to achieve great things at a young age. Sahand’s story is also a reminder of the potential of AI and how it can be used to create amazing things.